Saturday, April 12, 2008

General Update

I figured since everyone I know has a blog, why not the JLo's too!!! Just as brief into we are the JLo's and we are Jeremy, Jaime, Jeffrey and Jacob... I do not have a picture of us as 1/4 of our family is not quite available for pictures yet- but as soon as he arrives- it'll be posted. I thought this would be a neat little place for us to update everyone!! Especially once Jake comes!!

Jeremy loves his job at Sprint. I am currently mostly enjoying being pregnant- 82 days to go (but who's counting) and Jeffrey... well he's 3- and he's really showing it lately!!!

I am really hoping to have him potty trained soon- but he just doesn't really seem to want to- but loves to tell people he is!! He's also been very defiant lately and I'm ready to pull out my hair with!!!

But I just wanted to at least get this started so look for more to come!!

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