Friday, May 30, 2008

Wow! Where did time go?

I just realized (not really-:) ) that in about a month- Jake could be here!! I am 35 weeks and a couple of days pregnant my weekly doctor appointments start next week!! I've been feeling a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions and some pressure- so hopefully Jake will want to be early! As exciting as it would be to have a fourth of July baby- I'd rather have a Father's Day baby instead!! There's still soo much to do- washing all the clothes and bottles (that hopefully won't get too used), put together the pack n play, crib and bassinet, clean the house, and get his room together. I'm sure there's still plenty of stuff we still need but I can't remember everything that we really did use with Jeffrey!!!

Jeffrey is VERY excited about Jake coming- he can't wait to be a big brother! He's ready to share his toys with him- (I doubt that tho) and he wants to help change diapers, and rock him and sing him lullabies. It's so cute to hear him talk about his little brother and the things he wants to do with him!

I'm very nervous about Jake coming- I feel like I have forgotten everything there is to know about newborns and taking care of them. I'm worried about sharing my love between them and FEAR having a favortism to one over the other and not realize it's going on- So many fears going on that I don't remember having with Jeffrey- I hope I don't become one of those "overprotective" first time moms- the second time around!! I was so laid back with Jeffrey- so hopefully that continues!

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