Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Jeffrey is officially potty trained!!! He's hasn't had a daytime accident in over a week and that was because we didn't get him to a bathroom fast enough! We let him go a week with just daytime training then the 2nd week we let him try night time training and his first night he stayed dry!! There was only one night last week that he didn't stay dry and he fell asleep at like 7PM... and didn't go to the bathroom before bed because he fell asleep in the car.

He no longer wears pullups or diapers- we got rid of most of them- I kept a handful to keep around for when our friends come over that need them and his little boxer briefs are just the cutest little things!! Also, he is peeing like a big boy- he likes to "stand up like daddy" excpet now he wants to poop standing up (oh the conversations we have as parents).

It'll be nice to have that short little diaper free repreive!!

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