Friday, April 25, 2008

Potty training fool!!

Jeffrey has been doing fantastic with potty training!!! Everyone said that it would just "click" on day and to not put too much pressure on him-- well it finally clicked!! He spent the entire day yesterday in underwear and only had 1 accident and that was while he was taking a nap and he woke up right after his accident and cried about having and accident!

Today started out a little backwards- he didn't make it to the bathroom first thing in the morning and he wore a pull-up to the zoo and he went in that- but as soon as we got home he put on his underwear and hasn't had an accident all day!! And not that anyone really wants to know (but I'm a proud momma!) he's pooped on the toilet twice today!! Also every time he's gone to bathroom (except once) he's done so unprompted!!

He's doing soo great!! Now we just have to work on him doing it outside the house and then once that's done- we'll work on overnights!! Now instead of saying I like my diapers- he proudly yells "I wanna wear my underwear!"

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