Thursday, April 2, 2009

9 months!

Jake just turned 9 months on 3/30- at his check up he weighed in at 20 lbs and 5 oz and 29" long! He's slowly coming out of the off the charts status!! He was in the 75th for height and 50th for weight and just a few months ago he was off the charts! Jake is also quite the champ- he got a shot at his appointment and didn't flinch one bit!! It was awesome!

We are trying to get him to adjust to sippy cups for when I am done breastfeeding- and he's not really liking the idea of it- I've added a video we caught real quick tonight of him yelling at his
cup- I thought it was kind of cute and wanted to share!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March Photoshoot!!

These are the most recent pictures take of the boys! I go once a month to Sears and have them taken. I did the same thing for Jeffrey :) So they'll have a record of how they changed every month for the first year!

Holy Cow!

It's been a really, really, really long time since I've blogged about our family!!! I should probably start doing this quite a bit more!!

Well, I guess the biggest update- as all of you know- Jake is here! He's almost 9 months old! He made the 3JLo's the 4 JLo's on June 30th! So, everything but mine and Jeremy's birthday's happen on the 30th's.

Just a quick update to get myself back into the swing of things...

Jake is almost 9 months old and he is, as Jeffrey calls him, a master crawler! He started crawling like a pro right around his 8 month birthday! It didn't take him long to figure it out either, he figured out how to get on all fours rather quickly, then within a couple of days he was rocking back and forth and the a few days later he took off!! I think he's going to be keeping us on our toes from here to eternity now, as this boy has NO FEAR! I can't even count the amount of times he has tried to crawl right off the bed! He is also eating like a champ! He will eat/attempt to eat everything we throw at him!! His favorite seems to be Cheerios and this little ham, rice and pineapple mix- very yummy!! He is of course still refusing to use a bottle- and we are trying to get him to start using a sippy cup- but we'll see how that goes!!

Jeffrey- ugh! Jeffrey is Jeffrey!!! He's very sensitive and he's going through some kind of weird phase right now that I can't even describe!! He just finished up his first season of hockey!! It was a rough start but in the end, he rocked!! He's a pretty good skater now, well compared to how he started- he can skate better than me for sure! He also goes to preschool with his cousin, Julia, 2 days a week to give me a break!! He really seems to like and he'll be going to full time preschool in the fall!! He is very much into Cars, Transformers, Star Wars and Wall E right now- (He will like Cars forever-if I have anything to do with it!) Our Cars cars collection is growing quite large!! I really wish Disney would stop putting out new ones!!

Jeremy and I are doing great too! We celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary back in December! He is still working at iPCS, (Sprint) and seems to be enjoying it! I am still staying at home taking care of the boys and in my spare time picking up the house here and there! We are very much looking forward to the spring and summer weather so we can do more outside with the boys- we've got trips to Indianapolis to look forward to and hopefully a trip or two to Canada will be instore for us as well as trips to some Zoos around us!!

Well, I think that's it for now- We are going to try to keep this up to date a little more often!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Wow! Where did time go?

I just realized (not really-:) ) that in about a month- Jake could be here!! I am 35 weeks and a couple of days pregnant my weekly doctor appointments start next week!! I've been feeling a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions and some pressure- so hopefully Jake will want to be early! As exciting as it would be to have a fourth of July baby- I'd rather have a Father's Day baby instead!! There's still soo much to do- washing all the clothes and bottles (that hopefully won't get too used), put together the pack n play, crib and bassinet, clean the house, and get his room together. I'm sure there's still plenty of stuff we still need but I can't remember everything that we really did use with Jeffrey!!!

Jeffrey is VERY excited about Jake coming- he can't wait to be a big brother! He's ready to share his toys with him- (I doubt that tho) and he wants to help change diapers, and rock him and sing him lullabies. It's so cute to hear him talk about his little brother and the things he wants to do with him!

I'm very nervous about Jake coming- I feel like I have forgotten everything there is to know about newborns and taking care of them. I'm worried about sharing my love between them and FEAR having a favortism to one over the other and not realize it's going on- So many fears going on that I don't remember having with Jeffrey- I hope I don't become one of those "overprotective" first time moms- the second time around!! I was so laid back with Jeffrey- so hopefully that continues!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Jeffrey is officially potty trained!!! He's hasn't had a daytime accident in over a week and that was because we didn't get him to a bathroom fast enough! We let him go a week with just daytime training then the 2nd week we let him try night time training and his first night he stayed dry!! There was only one night last week that he didn't stay dry and he fell asleep at like 7PM... and didn't go to the bathroom before bed because he fell asleep in the car.

He no longer wears pullups or diapers- we got rid of most of them- I kept a handful to keep around for when our friends come over that need them and his little boxer briefs are just the cutest little things!! Also, he is peeing like a big boy- he likes to "stand up like daddy" excpet now he wants to poop standing up (oh the conversations we have as parents).

It'll be nice to have that short little diaper free repreive!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Potty training fool!!

Jeffrey has been doing fantastic with potty training!!! Everyone said that it would just "click" on day and to not put too much pressure on him-- well it finally clicked!! He spent the entire day yesterday in underwear and only had 1 accident and that was while he was taking a nap and he woke up right after his accident and cried about having and accident!

Today started out a little backwards- he didn't make it to the bathroom first thing in the morning and he wore a pull-up to the zoo and he went in that- but as soon as we got home he put on his underwear and hasn't had an accident all day!! And not that anyone really wants to know (but I'm a proud momma!) he's pooped on the toilet twice today!! Also every time he's gone to bathroom (except once) he's done so unprompted!!

He's doing soo great!! Now we just have to work on him doing it outside the house and then once that's done- we'll work on overnights!! Now instead of saying I like my diapers- he proudly yells "I wanna wear my underwear!"

Friday, April 18, 2008

A day of 1st's for Jeffrey!

Well we had lots of fun today- with today being the first hottest day of the year... we started out at the zoo and had lots of fun with our friends and had our first train ride of the year :) and we went to Glenwood Park for the first time this year... yadda yadda- but the best first is this...

He wore BIG BOY underwear outside of the house!!! After we got home from the zoo and running around- I took Jeffrey upstairs to change him and I asked him if he wanted a pull up on or underwear and he said underwear- I was like cool- let's go potty he did- and he did pee and poop (aren't these convo's grea!) and we put his underwear on... then Jeremy came home about 5:15 and we said ok- let's go put a pull up on so we can go (more running around to do...) and he REFUSED to put on a pullup... he let me put the rubber pants over the underwear- and we went out- I just put him to bed and he was still dry!!!! I had him go again at 5:30 before we left and at maybe 7:15 I made him go at Wendy's... and he stayed dry the whole time!!!

Horray for Jeffrey!! Let's hope it continues!!

I think that's all for now... I'll add some pictures later!